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My Wishlist F.A.Q. |
What is My Wishlist? My Wishlist is a convenient way for you to save a reminder of an item you would like to purchase later or an item that is not currently in stock.
How do I add items to My Wishlist?
To add an item to My Wishlist, just click the "Add to Wishlist" button for any item that interests you. The "Add to Wishlist" button appears next to the "Add to Cart" button in the product info pages.
Can I add "out-of-stock" items or "coming-soon items"?
Yes. You can add any item you choose to My Wishlist
How do I view My Wishlist?
On the right column is a "My Wishlist" box. This box shows the current status of My Wishlist. If there are 5 or less items in My Wishlist, they will be listed here. If there are more than 5 items, there will be a simple counter with the total number of items in My Wishlist.
My Wishlist may be viewed at any time by clicking either the link found in the "My Wishlist" box (View My Wishlist [+]). or by clicking the right arrow on the "My Wishlist" box.
How do I move My Wishlist items to my Shopping Cart?
To move My Wishlist items to the Shopping Cart, either click "Move to Cart" under the product name in the "My Wishlist" box (if the My Wishlist items are shown in the box) or click on "Move to Cart" underneath the item on the My Wishlist main page and voila! The item is moved to the Cart.
How do I remove items from My Wishlist?
To remove items from My Wishlist, either click "Delete" under the item's name in the "My Wishlist" box or click "Delete" underneath the item on the My Wishlist main page of the item(s) you would like to remove.
Can I make My Wishlist available to others?
Sorry. Currently My Wishlist is only accessible when you are logged in to your account. Therefore, you are the only one that can see it. However, you can email your wishlist to a friend by visiting the My Wishlist main page, entering their email address into the 'send your wishlist to a friend' box and clicking the email envelope.