Here are clear, direct answers to questions that millions of scholars, spiritual seekers and scientists have been asking. What is higher consciousness? What is Kundalini? How does Kundalini work? What is the biological imperative for the next step in mankind's evolution? Are drugs an aid to achieving self-discovery? Is the sex act as we know it evolutionary or entropic? What can we do to change society? Are our 'leaders' misleading us?
All these questions and nearly fifty more are answered by Gopi Krishna in this extremely lucid and informative book, which offers specifics on the physiological and psychological changes accompanying the awakening of Kundalini. Born in 1903 in Kashmir, Gopi Krishna was unique among writers on the subject of higher consciousness because what he had to say was from his own direct experience. Since 1937, when he first attained to the Cosmic Conscious state, until his death in 1984, he lived in two worlds "the incomprehensible and infinitely marvelous universe within, and the colossal but familiar world without.
"Higher Consciousness and Kundalini is a book for those who are seriously seeking a way out of the bitterness, hate, separation and chaos and the disillusionment emerging out of a crumbling world order. --This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition.