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A NEW COVENANT WITH NATURE - Richard Heinberg - Notes on the End of Civilization and the Renewal of Culture. Is modern civilization fundamentally flawed? Is society itself a world-threatening catastrophe? In this radical and thoughtful book, eco-philosopher Richard Heinberg explores what we each can do to renew our ancient connections with all that is wild and free and generative. By the kinds and quantities of resources it uses, each culture makes a covenant with nature. Indeed, Heinberg shows, human history can be understood as a series of such contracts. Our culture's covenant with nature is obviously crumbling. If we are to give birth to a new and viable one, we must restore the foundations of human society from the soil up by rethinking the givens of "civilized" life such as Money, Spirituality, and Art and by quietly deserting the existing social system. Richard Heinberg has lectured widely, appearing on radio and television in five countries. His essays have appeared in many magazines. His alliterative monthly broadside, MuseLetter was nominated in 1995 by the Utne Reader for an Alternative Press Award in the category of Emerging Issues and was included in Utne's annual list of "Best Alternative Newsletters." His previous books include Memories and Visions of Paradise and Celebrate the Solstice: Honoring the Earth's Seasonal Rhythms through Festival and Ceremony. 0835607461 (Theos Pub) hc |