Our mission as a family friendly site at Theosophia Books And More, and being a free service as a reference, library-bookstore, is to showcase and spotlight books of a theosophical, philosophical, spiritual and religious nature and to provide a gateway to the abundance of free literature on the World Wide Web.
We will continually offer new ideas and services that we feel are appropriate to our mission, but ultimately your ideas, comments and suggestions will help determine our content and scope. Please click HERE to send comments and suggestions.
Find A Book search engine: Click a book title to compare prices for that book at all the major book stores on the World Wide Web. Click an authors name to find more books by that author. This is a free service. You are under no obligation to make a purchase. Many people like to visit a local bookstore so they may touch and read parts of a book. If you use our search engine first, you will know the price range for that book and may be able to negotiate a better price.
Calendar Of Events: A calendar to display dates and locations of author book signings, dates of theosophical significance, workshops, religious Holy days (for major religions of our planet) and any event considered of relevance to our mission. Please click HERE to submit your event. State in the content you are requesting a submission for 'Calendar Of Events', next, type the event and any relevant details. Be sure to include a viable return email address for verification.
Books On Line: This is where you will find many links to sites that offer free literature. Some of the sites we currently link to, with granted and, or, authorized permission, are: Theosophical University Press, Poets’ Corner, Project Gutenberg, The Internet Public Library, Perseus Project, World Wide Web Storybook Library, The Never Ending Tale and many more. Some of this literature is currently copy write protected, but it is offered free by the author. Most of the literature found here is in public domain and is free of copy write. This area is where we need your help the most. You can suggest a site that offers free books, free sheet music, free poetry, free audio books or most any form of free literature.
Free Stuff: As a bonus, we have provided items that can be obtained with no charge from Theosophia Books And More. Examples: Free Wreath Recipes: A set of pictures, diagrams and instructions to assist in crafting your own wreaths. This item will change periodically to reflect the current holiday or event. Just click the zip file and print them out. Free Book Markers: You can print a set of three bookmarkers with “The Great Invocation” on the front. Free Prayer Triune: A set of three prayers with beautiful backgrounds that you can print and each is suitable for framing.
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