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Gandhi, Homer A. Jack (Editor), John Haynes Holmes (Preface by) -
He believed India should learn to live before it tried to die for
humanity. He was a devout Hindu but asserted no Christian could outdo
him in singing "Lead, Kindly Light." One would expect a volume
of quotations from Gandhi to be packed with wisdom, and this one surely
is, but it appears the Mahatma also had a way with gentle but wry
observations about human nature, international politics, and especially
himself. In this reprint of the 1951 edition, Gandhi surprises the
reader on every page, up to and including his last words as the Mahatma.
Publisher: A voluminous writer on an extraordinary variety
of subjects, Gandhi composed innumerable letters, editorials, articles,
and speeches. This excellent anthology of brief and incisive quotations
from his writings features Gandhi's thoughts on religion and theology,
ethics, international and political affairs, the family, education,
culture, Indian problems, and, perhaps what he is best known for,
satyagraha, or group nonviolent direct action. |