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AND SYMBOLS OF THE OCCULT - Images of Power and
Wisdom - James Wasserman - This rich lexicon of occult imagery draws from the traditions of alchemy, astrology, Tarot, Qabbalah, magic, Tantric sexuality, and visionary art. The exquisite illustrations are accompanied by lively and thought-provoking text on the various teachings from which they derive, providing an excellent introduction to the timeless and hidden dimensions of occult practice while stimulating the imagination and its quest for intuitive knowledge. 128 pp. ISBN 0892814152 (Destiny/Weiser) pb |
IS AT EYE LEVEL: Photography as a
Healing Art - Jan
Phillips Anyone with a camera, from professionals to scrapbook moms, can discover photography’s power to soothe and mend the broken wing of the spirit. With personal stories, commentary, and practical exercises, Jan Phillips helps us see how images can give shape to our half-articulated feelings, shed light on our inner darkness, and reveal our deepest truest self. With sidebar quotes by William Blake, Ansel Adams, and Emily Dickinson among others and over 100 black and white photos, this delightful book will help readers use that next Kodak moment to transform seeing into vision. “There’s something holy about this work,” Jan says. “Like the pilgrim’s journey, it’s heaven all the way.” ISBN 0835607852 |
to the Sacred Languages & Magical Systems of the World - David
Hulse - Deciphers the true alphabet magic of every Ancient
Eastern magical tradition, including Cuneiform, Hebrew, Arabic,
Sanskrit, Tibetan, and Chinese. Hundreds of tables make this book easy
to use for beginners. 648 pp. ISBN 0875423183 (Llewellyn/) pb |
THE KEY OF IT ALL - BOOK TWO: WESTERN MYSTERIES, An Encyclopedic Guide to the Sacred Languages & Magical Systems of the World - David Hulse - This indispensable reference book catalogs and distills, in hundreds of tables of secret symbolism, the true alphabet magic of the Western magical tradition. Great for beginning students. Covers Greek, Coptic, Runic, Latin, Enochian, Tarot, and English "codes". 687 pp. ISBN 0875423795 (Llewellyn/) pb | |
MAGICAL ALPHABETS - Nigel Pennick - Here the alphabetical systems of the West, including Hebrew, Greek, Runic, Celtic, Medieval, and the Renaissance alphabets of the alchemical tradition are examined in depth. Explains the numerological significance of the various alphabets, and provides exciting evidence for the widespread influence of runes. 256 pp. ISBN 0877287473 (Weiser) pb | |
LUMINOUS SYMBOLS FOR HEALING - Judith Cornell - In this stunning, full-color art book, the ancient symbol of the mandala is presented as a potent instrument of healing. Readers are taken through simple art exercises, incorporating meditation and guided visualizations, which lead them to the creation of powerful works of sacred art. Winner of the 1995 Benjamin Franklin Award and the 1995 Body Mind Spirit Award of Excellence. 50 colorplates. Oversized. Companion audio. ISBN 0835607100 (Theos Pub) pb |
THEIR OCCULT POWERS AND MYSTIC VIRTUES - W. Wynn Westcott - Contents: Pythagoras, His Tenets and His Followers; Pythagorean Views on Numbers; Kabalistic View on Numbers; Properties of the Numbers According to the Bible, the Talmuds, the Pythagoreans, the Romans, Chaldeans, Egyptians, Hindoos, Medi val Magicians, Hermetic Students and the Rosicrucians: Monad, Dyad, Triad, Three and a Half, Tetrad, Pentad, Hexad, Heptad, Ogdoad, Ennead, Decad, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen; Some Hindoo Uses of Numbers; Other Higher Numbers; Numbers of the Apocalypse. ISBN 1564593169 |
Wynn Westcott - Thoroughly researched material summarizing
the meanings of numbers according to Pythagoras, the Kabala, Bible,
Talmud, the Romans, Chaldeans, Egyptians, Hindus, medieval magicians,
Hermetic students and Rosicrucians. Originally written in 1883 by the
Supreme Magus of the Rosicrucian Society of England, and published in
1890. 127 pp. ISBN 087877243X (Newcastle/) pb |
PAINTER'S QUEST - Art As A Way Of Revelation - Peter
Rogers - One of the most evocative journeys into the
archetypal dreamscape ever written. Rogers has succeeded in the nearly
impossible task of describing in clear, universally accessible prose the
process of personal transformation through art. Color illustrations. 160 pp. ISBN 1879041227 (Sigo/) pb |
MIRRORS, The Visionary Art of Alex Grey - Alex
Grey - Introductory information by Ken Wilber and Carlo
McCormick. Alex Grey portrays the nervous, vascular, skeletal, and other
body systems as well as spiritual/energetic systems with images such as
"Universal Mind Lattice" envisioning the sacred and esoteric
symbolism of the body and the forces that define its living field of
energy. Over 50 color plates. 96 pp. ISBN 0892813148 (Inner Traditions/) pb |
SECRET WORLD OF DRAWINGS - Healing Through Art - Gregg
Furth - Explores the realm of the unconscious through the
interpretation of drawings, using a systematic analysis to give further
understanding to messages from the unconscious. More than 80
illustrations and example drawings, many in color. Index. 168 pp. ISBN 0938434462 (Sigo/) pb |
THE SPIRITUAL IMAGE IN MODERN ART - Kathleen J Regier - This provocative collection of essays examines the spiritual dimensions in the art of Van Gogh, Gaugin, Kandinsky and others. Illustrated. ISBN 083560621X (Theos Pub) pb | |
ORACLES SPEAK: Understanding the Signs and Symbols All
Around Us - Dianne
Skafte Ph.D. Now in Paperback. "Provocative
and original. Essential reading for anyone seeking to penetrate the
mysteries of consciousness."-Robert Johnson, author of He, She
and We.
Say you're driving down the road, musing over a big question - take the job, marry, sell the house, move to the city? Suddenly you pass a billboard with huge words, "GO FOR IT!" Startled, you have the strange feeling you've just received your answer. Ever had such an experience? This book can help you understand it. "The ancient oracles haven't stopped speaking," says Dianne Skafte. "We've just stopped listening." Ancient peoples understood that patterns in nature, dreams, the sudden animal or bird, or a chance word overheard could all advise, warn, or point the way. They still can. This spellbinding history of divination is also a hands-on guide for awakening our own perceptive powers. Its extensive research coupled with insights of C.G.Jung, James Hillman, and other depth psychologists shows us how to prepare for, interpret, and trust oracles. When we do, we may find that life is full of illumination and guidance from some mysterious source beyond the personal self. Dianne Skafte, Ph.D., teaches depth psychology and chairs the Clinical Psychology Program at Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara. Symbology/Spirituality/New Age ISBN 0835607917 288 pgs. pb |